Want to save your home?

Want to save your home?

Or your parent’s/ adult child’s home?

Are you hearing stories of people being forced to sell their homes to fund the cost of entering a rest home?

With costs of many care facilities exceeding $1500 a week, and with modern medical procedures keeping alive many requiring fulltime care, the erosion of family wealth can be a major issue for many New Zealand families. In some cases, “well” spouses feeling the burden of responsibility, may choose to leave the family home and downgrade property, in order to support their ailing partner. Often, these situations are affecting ordinary Kiwis who have worked hard their entire lives; paid their taxation and contributed positively to society.

Can such outcomes be avoided?

The answer is Yes – but only if you act early.

It is our view that every asset owning New Zealander ought to consider the issues of estate management. Whether it is an 22 year old with a $20,000 motor vehicle and $10,000 in savings (Ed: yes – we know – there is possibly only five Generation Y-ers in NZ with any savings!); a 36 year old guy starting a new business; a 49 year old woman recently separated from her husband; or a 62 year old contemplating retirement – all these people need asset protection for different reasons.

It is imperative that you take action early – as for most risks of loss, the later you have commenced an asset protection regime, the higher the risk that regime is attacked. If you do not have such a plan in place for yourself and your family it is tantamount to having an uninsured home. In our view – something no-one ought do if they value their investment.

Do yourself – or your parents or adult children – a great favour by contacting us to discuss how a well planned asset protection program can provide peace of mind and reduce the risk of loss of wealth. Act today as we simply do not know what lies around the corner.

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